Today was a sacred day in our family. Daddy was ordained. It was the fulfillment of many things, much too deep to speak of briefly. Mommy plans to write at some point about our journey here. . . to this place of surrender. We are so proud of my Dad! He is a devout lover of God, one of the purest servants of the kingdom we know. We're so glad we get to share this journey with him. We can't wait to see all God has in store!! :) The entire service was dedicated to my Dad. . . It opened with a charge to him by his mentor Gerrit Gustafson. A charge was then given to the church by Pastor Gene Fant, and it concluded with the laying on of hands by the ordained men in the congregation and our family. Such precious moments we'll remember for a lifetime! We are so blessed to be surrounded on every side by genuine lovers of God!! These are the sweet people we are currently serving at Shelby Avenue Baptist Church in East Nashville! Three generations. Jack and Mimi Aunt Yay-Yay and Daddy Gerrit and Hemmie . . . Our beloved mentors in the faith! Where Daddy's faith originates. . . This post is one of about 10 tonight. . . Make sure you check out the rest. We've been slacking lately. Our apologies to Mimi and Ethan. . . :)
Bethany and Shad got married Friday night (finally)!! Mimi did an extraordinary job with flowers and decor. . . She is a party goddess! :) She made the bouquet above. . . There really is no limit to her creative talent! Wish we had more photos from the night, but these are the only ones that turned out.
Grams and I spent some quality time on Friday while Mommy finished her Psychopathology class. We met Uncle Lynn and Aunt Cheryl at Cracker Barrel just off the interstate. . . They drove down to Alabama from Michigan to pick up their new motorcycle. Much to Mommy's delight, I didn't really like it. Of all the forms of transportation in the world, motorcycles are her least favorite (at least for those she loves) ;)
Daddy played at Uncle Ebic's benefit concert last Friday at Belmont with his old buddy, Jeff. Uncle Ebic is raising money for a YWAM DTS. We're SO proud of him and really enjoyed Daddy's performance! Uncle E and Katherine :)
Last Saturday I went to Alabama for a family wedding with Mimi and Popi. We had a GREAT time! :) They say I'm a wonderful traveler (especially when I'm surrounded by technology). ;)