It's 100 degrees outside again today (for what seems to be the 10th day in a row). Mommy and I are sick of this sticky, hot weather, so we decided to pretend like it's a chilly, winter day. I wore an outfit my Mommy and Daddy bought before I was born. I found my thumb today. Mommy thinks this could be the begining of a bad (but extremely adorable) new habit.Continuing with the theme of winter, my Mommy gave me a pot and wooden spoon and I pretended to be a little drummer boy! Mommy was surprised to see that I seemed to instinctively know what to do!
This outfit was specially requested by Daddy when he found out about our snow day! :)
For Father's Day Mommy and I published all the things my Daddy wrote while I was in my Mommy's belly. We included lots of pictures. It's copyrighted and everything! He loved it!We went to Mimi and Popi's church this morning. . .then Mimi cooked a big lunch for the family. They didn't share with me.Uncle Ebic let me wear his hat! This is a picture of Daddy when he was my age. . .
Today Mommy, Daddy and I went to an Artisan Festival at Centennial Park. The sun was blazing, so Mommy asked Daddy to apply sunscreen to my skin before we left. This is what I looked like when he was finished. :)
The hat Mimi and Popi bought me in Florida really came in handy today!