Friday, March 12, 2010

My ReaL 1st Birthday

We've had lots of birthday posts, I know, but around here we celebrate life for weeks on end! It's pretty important to us! :)

The first three photos were taken while I was talking in my man voice. Mommy loves the serious face I make when I'm attempting to get my point across! :)

My actual 1st birthday was Monday. We were all feeling rough, but the weather was nice so we decided to take a walk by the lake. . .
Briley bought me a bubble blower for my birthday. We tried it out and I love it!! :)
I took my new car to the park. . .

This picture was taken at 12:02pm (the exact time I was born!!)

We bumped into Aunt Rachel eating lunch in the park. It was a fun surprise! :)


John, Angela, and Briley Barker said...

So sweet! Happy Birthday Jonah. Hopefully we can all play with bubbles together soon. Tell your Mommy to call my Mommy soon!!


Millard Family said...

Wow! Jonah is 1!! He is becoming such a handsome little man to! What a great personality!! Bet your glad you were at the park and not in that child birth again huh? :o) Miss you guys!