Saturday, October 17, 2009

LU and the Return Home

Looking for Mommy. . . (at least she likes to think so) :) My afternoon nap.

Daddy and I swam one night while Mommy worked on her intake review by the pool. She was so jealous! All work and no play for her!
I'm such a good swimmer! (I stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating really hard)

The water made me so sleepy. . .

Leaving Liberty. . .

Home again. . . Mimi surprised me this morning. I was so glad to see her!
I think she was pretty happy to see me too! :)

Mommy likes the way I'm sitting in this picture. :)

1 comment:

Adrian said...

So glad that you are home safe :)
Swimming in I'm really jealous! We've FrOzEn here this week!