Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Thursday

I turned 15 months on the 8th, and Mommy finally decided it was time to stop nursing me like a 5 month old! :) For the past two days we've only nursed at bedtime and in the morning 2-3 times per day (down from about 10 or more). Mommy can't believe how well I've adjusted. I still ask (signing "please" with a big smile) several times a day, but she easily distracts me with other things.

Anyway, since I'm shedding my baby-ways, Mommy thought it would be a perfect day to experiment with feeding myself. I did a GREAT JoB! :)

I found a microphone at Aunt Rachel's today and knew what to do with it (following in Daddy's footsteps). Mommy is consistently shocked by how much I know! :)
Mommy saw the Huggies blue jean diaper commercial and decided to buy some. She couldn't resist! Advertisements were created for people like her (so impressionable)!! :) I think they're quite appropriate for CMA week, don't you?! :)
And we bought a new toothbrush today (electric!). Mommy's kind of panicked about caring for all the new teeth in my mouth. :)
Tonight we went to the park with Daddy. . . The evening is the only time it's comfortable to be outside around here (unless you're submerged in water).

Photoshoot with Mommy :) We rarely take pictures together; she's usually behind the camera.

Trying to sneek into Mommy's shirt while she's not looking! :)

Such a FuN day! :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Our baby is growing up. What a sweet day filled with the little things that make being a parent the most important and rewarding job you will ever do. You two are doing a wonderful job. Such a happy little boy.